
,2002年3月31日—Thiserrorcode,800A03F6occurswhenyouexecuteaVBScript.Theproblemisthatyouhaveinitiated'If…Then..End'logic,butyouhave ...,2021年3月15日—HiI'mtryingtorunthecommand:npxcreate-react-appmyapponVisualStusiocodeeditorandI'mgettingthiserror:C:-Users-Myuser ...,2023年9月11日—OracleCommerceCloudService-Version21.1.1andlater:ErrorWhileInstallingDCU,Errorcode:800A03F6.,2023年3月25日—Inthecase...

Code Error 800A03F6 – Expected 'End'

2002年3月31日 — This error code, 800A03F6 occurs when you execute a VBScript. The problem is that you have initiated 'If…Then.. End' logic, but you have ...

Error code

2021年3月15日 — Hi I'm trying to run the command: npx create-react-app myapp on Visual Stusio code editor and I'm getting this error: C:-Users-My user ...

Error While Installing DCU, Error code

2023年9月11日 — Oracle Commerce Cloud Service - Version 21.1.1 and later: Error While Installing DCU, Error code: 800A03F6.

Getting "Windows Script Host"

2023年3月25日 — In the case of Node.js, this line is used to specify that the script should be run with the Node.js interpreter. When you run a script with this ...

Windows script Error "800a03f6"

2019年2月19日 — Hi i got a virus on my computer and when i removed it with anti-malwarebytes it caused me to have this re-occuring error message everytime i ...


2022年12月17日 — Step To Solved Host Script Error · Right-click on my computer and select the property · Select Advance System Setting · Read More ...

Windows Script Host Error: Invalid character

2021年11月20日 — Update: On Windows .js files are associated to Windows Scripting Host by default, so the script will not be run with Node.